Search Results - alexander+kornienko

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Sphaeropsidin derivatives to combat aggressive cancers
Description: This technology involves the synthesis of new compounds based on the sphaeropsidin A structure, aimed at improving its potency against drug-resistant cancers. Utilizing a cross-metathesis reaction, these compounds have shown significant growth inhibitory activity in various human cancer cell lines, including glioblastoma, non-small cell...
Published: 12/19/2024   |   Inventor(s): Alexander Kornienko, Dino Berthold, Antonio Evidente, Sachin Wagh, Willem van Otterlo, Aude Ingels, Veronique Mathieu
Keywords(s): Apoptosis, Cancer, Drug Resistance, Natural Products, Sphaeropsidin
Category(s): Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical Research
Photoactivatable Cancer Prodrug Photoactivatable Ruthenium Compounds for Cancer Treatment
Description: This technology introduces a new class of photoactivatable compounds based on ruthenium for the treatment of cancer. Leveraging the principles of photodynamic therapy (PDT), these compounds are designed to be activated by light to target and disrupt cancer cells selectively, while sparing healthy tissues. This innovative approach aims...
Published: 7/29/2024   |   Inventor(s): Alexander Kornienko, Tania Betancourt, Shuster Bonnet, Vincent van Rixel
Keywords(s): Cancer Treatment, Photoactivatable Ruthenium Compounds, Photodynamic Therapy Photodynamic Therapy
Category(s): Biotechnology, Chemotherapy, Photodynamic Therapy
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